C.R.A.C.K.P.O.T. is GO! Also, an Art Jam!

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CyberneticCupcake's avatar
UPDATE!: New Tumblr blog on right edf-crackpot.tumblr.com/

October is coming up, and I hope this spooky month will be a lucky one for me. I plan to do a lot of drawing that month related to the project, so wish me luck. I also have an idea for a promo/infographic of who E.D.F. C.R.A.C.K.P.O.T. really are, just to get a headstart on my project. Over the next few months, I also plan to release some of my monster designs for the series, the giant monsters the likes of our lovely balloony Princess would fight, and even monsters so small they could go into your body and cause some serious damage/side-effects!

Also, I have an art jam open to all interested involving a redesign challenge of my balloon OCs. They're such a mess from their last battle that they need a makeover, stat! You can find all the rules and conditions of the jam here.
on right fav.me/d6oodz0 on left
The group also needs your vote October 20th for dATrade's Super Group Giveaway. Even if I don't win, it would still be nice to know you voted for me.

Lastly, I'd just like to know what you guys think of my project so far, where it stand now compared to where it started, and what you like best and least about it.
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